Feeding information to pharmacy

Latest: BPNG Webinar - 23rd October 12.30pm
Filtration, using filters for parenteral nutrition
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2023 AGM and join the committee

Election of Officer to the Executive Committee
The position of Research and Publication Officer is open and applications are open for this position. The Election of Officer to the British Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group Executive Committee will take place during the AGM on Thursday 12th October. 

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Group will be held on Thursday 12th October 2023 at 1500hrs, via a Zoom webinar.  

BPNG Constitution
The current BPNG constition and details of committee positions is attached below.

Summary of dates:
31st August 2023 - deadline for submission of nomination forms.
8th September 2023 - deadline for submission of AOB for AGM agenda.
21st September - AGM agenda plus list of candidates sent to members for consideration.
12th October 2023 - voting and election of Research and Publication Officer takes place during AGM.
