Feeding information to pharmacy

Latest: BPNG Webinar - 23rd October 12.30pm
Filtration, using filters for parenteral nutrition
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Our History

The BPNG (formerly the National TPN Group, NTPNG) was formed in 1988 by a group of pharmaceutically minded professionals from hospital, academia and industry. The ethos of the group was to provide education, further research and support product development in the rapidly changing area of parenteral nutrition support. The 'all-in-one' parenteral nutrition solution was still a new approach and much was being learnt about stability. In the early 1990's the Kings fund convened a multidisciplinary group to focus on nutrition, the then chair of the NTPNG, Patricia Wright and secretary, Tim Sizer, were part of the group that led to the publication of the document 'A positive approach to nutrition as treatment' in 1992. Following this collaboration an association of the contributing groups came together to form the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN).
Throughout the intervening years the BPNG has delivered on its core aims, providing regular educaitonal activities and in addition collaborating proactively with other professional groups to support their activities.
The group changed their name to the British Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group to more acurately reflect the broad nature of its members and their contributions and roles within nutrition
